Inwoo Hwang

I am a final-year PhD student in Computer Science at Seoul National University, advised by Byoung-Tak Zhang and Sanghack Lee. Prior to joining Ph.D program, I did my master study in School of Computing at KAIST. I earned my Bachelor's degree in Department of Mathematical Sciences from KAIST.

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My research is centered on building trustworthy AI systems whose decision making is robust and interpretable, encompassing the fields of computer vision, reinforcement learning, and causal inference. In particular, my recent works involve developing robust and efficient algorithms for causal inference and causal discovery, with their application for building reliable machine learning models. Additionally, I am interested in discovering and utilizing useful inductive biases to better align model decisions with human reasoning.

  • (2019.03 - current) Ph.D in Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
  • (2010.02 - 2016.02) BS in Mathematical Science, KAIST
  • (2007.02 - 2010.02) Highschool, Korea Science Academy of KAIST

(* equal contribution, equal advising)

positivity On Positivity Condition for Causal Inference
Inwoo Hwang*, Yesong Choe*, Yeahoon Kwon, Sanghack Lee
  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
  • UAI Workshop on Causal Inference, 2024
  • [PDF]

    fcdl Fine-Grained Causal Dynamics Learning with Quantization for Improving Robustness in Reinforcement Learning
    Inwoo Hwang, Yunhyeok Kwak, Suhyung Choi, Byoung-Tak Zhang, Sanghack Lee
  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
  • NeurIPS Workshop on Generalization in Planning, 2023
  • [PDF] [Code]

    mcts Efficient Monte Carlo Tree Search via On-the-Fly State-Conditioned Action Abstraction
    Yunhyeok Kwak*, Inwoo Hwang*, Dooyoung Kim, Sanghack Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang
  • Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2024   (Oral, 28/744=3.8%)
  • [PDF] [Code]

    deduce Causal Discovery with Deductive Reasoning: One Less Problem
    Jonghwan Kim, Inwoo Hwang, Sanghack Lee
  • Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2024
  • [PDF] [Code]

    LBS Learning Geometry-aware Representations by Sketching
    Hyundo Lee, Inwoo Hwang, Hyunsung Go, Won-Seok Choi, Kibeom Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang
  • IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
  • [PDF] [Code]

    CSSI On Discovery of Local Independence over Continuous Variables via Neural Contextual Decomposition
    Inwoo Hwang, Yunhyeok Kwak, Yeon-Ji Song, Byoung-Tak Zhang, Sanghack Lee
  • Conference on Causal Learning and Reasoning (CLeaR), 2023
  • NeurIPS Workshop on Causal Inference Challenges in Sequential Decision Making: Bridging Theory and Practice, 2021
  • [PDF] [Code]

    SelecMix SelecMix: Debiased Learning by Contradicting-pair Sampling
    Inwoo Hwang, Sangjun Lee, Yunhyeok Kwak, Seong Joon Oh, Damien Teney, Jin-Hwa Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang
  • Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022
  • ICML Workshop on Spurious Correlations, Invariance, and Stability, 2022
  • [PDF] [Code]

    CriticalPeriod On the Importance of Critical Period in Multi-stage Reinforcement Learning
    Junseok Park, Inwoo Hwang, Min Whoo Lee, Hyunseok Oh, Minsu Lee, Youngki Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang
  • ICML Workshop on Complex Feedback in Online Learning, 2022
  • [PDF]

    ShapeCon Improving Robustness to Texture Bias via Shape-focused Augmentation
    Sangjun Lee, Inwoo Hwang, Gi-Cheon Kang, Byoung-Tak Zhang
  • CVPR Workshop on Human-centered Intelligent Services: Safety and Trustworthy, 2022
  • [PDF]

    Academic Services
    • Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS (2023-2024), ICLR (2024), ICML (2024), AISTATS (2024), CLeaR (2024), CVPR (2023-2024), ICCV (2023), ECCV (2024), ACCV (2024), ICRA (2024)
    • Journal Reviewer: IEEE Trans. Multimedia
    • Workshop Reviewer
      • Workshop on Spurious Correlations, Invariance, and Stability (ICML 2023)
      • Workshop on Causal Representation Learning (NeurIPS 2023)
      • Workshop on Reinforcement Learning Beyond Rewards (RLC 2024)
    Invited Talks
    • [Jun 2024] IITP Workshop
    • [Sep 2023] IITP Workshop
    • [May 2023] SNU AIIS Retreat
    • [Dec 2022] Korea Software Congress
    • [Nov 2022] Kakao Enterprise TechTalk
    • [Nov 2022] SNU AIIS Retreat
    • [Oct 2022] NAVER TechTalk
    Honors and Awards
    • UAI 2024 Scholarship
    • NAVER PhD Fellowship, 2022
    • NeurIPS 2022 Scholarship
    • BK21 Plus Scholarship, Republic of Korea
    • National Science and Technology Scholarship, Korea Student Aid Foundation
    • Gold Award, The Korean Mathematical Olympiad (KMO)
    Work Experience
    • (Sep 2021 - May 2022) External collaborator, Naver AI
    • (Aug 2012 - May 2014) Military service, Korean Augmentation To the US Army (KATUSA)
    Teaching Experience
    • [CS204] Discrete Mathematics, KAIST, 2016S - 2017F

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